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How many letters from C L I V E reside in TEAM?

May I start by thanking those that are doing their best to assist my son with his studying. I would also like to praise those that keep supporting his fellow students. This was posted 24 hours ago on a Train2Game service.

Capture Train2Game News UK

This brings me to the help Mr Robert has not given my son. Mr Robert, when my son produces his CV referencing red, green and blue the word he is looking for is colour. Your notes, as I understand you wrote or supervised their production, were written in a United States format meaning to me that they were just a cut and paste? Should my son mirror your work his CV would be very much devalued because of you Mr Robert.

I do know you now have a swollen bank account after a superb sale of DR Studios. How you managed to achieve so much would be a best seller if you chose to share the formula.
That brings me to an explanation. There are five letters in Clive. Only twenty percent of which appear in the word TEAM. My question is this, do you only enter into the team spirit of things twenty percent of your time?

If this is the case it would explain why there are so many prepared to share details of your life. The latest revelation to be shared is that you are at the very least distancing yourself from the great team of Train2Game. This was coupled with a suggestion that you Mr Robert and some of your cronies are to take the Train2Game courses and sell them globally via a new company. I am sure you are contractually allowed to do this, but morally how can you inflict incorrect information on more unsuspecting young people?

Let us all prey to the Great Creator that now you are married you will see the world in a different light.

The world is watching Mr Robert.

We BEG YOU to read this

As we are sure Mr Robert had dealings with bringing TIGA to Train2Game, we urge you to read this blog suggesting a TIGA certificate is worthless
There must be justice.

Thank you to those who have already commented about Mr Robert. Your comments are on file and should it be neccessary they will serve a purpose.